Consensus wall at Baró de Viver

Graffiti 0.1 from Espai Jove Garcilaso on Vimeo.



The neighborhood of Baró de Viver is located in the district of Sant Andreu, alongside of the River Besos.

His story begins with the construction of cheap single-family houses, in 1941.

In the years of 1958 and 1985, the neighborhood will experiment two big transformations.

With the influx of immigrants, they will build new blocks of buildings, completely changing the look and the life of the place until the moment.

Children who have participated in the workshop are mostly students of the high school of Esperanza, located in the same neighborhood.

The workshop developed by Difusor and the school Llotja, wanted to provoke a reflection on the reality of the neighborhood. These guys chose, by a dynamic of consensus, several significant issues to develop, and then translate them into a mural.

To bring the issues to the place where paint later, the side wall of a sports hall, it was decided to select the concepts related to traditional sports that are practiced there (football and Greco-Roman fight) and the river, and the relationship between the neighbors, an issue that young people have highlighted.

Day 1

In order to facilitate the cohesion of the group, we did two dynamics of empowerment. Through physical contact activity, we wanted to show them that they are able to do what they propose.

Once completion of the dynamics, we went outside to take a walk to the usual places where they use to go, with the intention of take pictures and bring us closer to them “everyday reality”.

Day 2

Through the display of photographs and the dynamics of consensus, the boys chose concepts for the sketch.

Then passed to the completion of the first collective drawings, illustrating the concepts generated earlier.

Day 3

Beginning of the sketch with a theoretical introduction to urban art.

Day 4

Finishing of the sketch and first approach to the technique of spray.

5, 6, 7

Completing the mural with all the material produced (sketch, stencils,…)